1. Service Pricing

The Services offered through the website are provided at the prices listed in the current price list available within the website. Prices for the Service will always be stated before a booking is confirmed.

2. Payment Method and Invoicing

Users must confirm their payment method before starting a consultation. By using the Service, you agree to be invoiced according to applicable regulations. Student Outreach reserves the right to charge a reminder fee. If the invoice remains unpaid, it will be forwarded to a debt collection agency.

3. Payment Terms for Schools

Student Outreach offers specific packages to schools wishing to provide Services to their students. The pricing and payment conditions for these Services are detailed in the special terms provided by Student Outreach and accepted by the school. By accepting these terms, the school agrees to communicate this Agreement to its students who utilize the Services.

4. Payment Terms for Private Offerings

Student Outreach offers students private offerings available for purchase on the Site. Users can purchase session bundles that provide access to Services on the website. b. No refunds will be issued once the service is purchased. This policy applies to all services provided through the website, including session bundles and any other offerings.

About us

Student Outreach is a premier career guidance platform dedicated to empowering students through every stage of their academic journey. We offer a rich array of opportunities including dynamic student clubs, stimulating competitions, and impactful profile-building activities. We offer expert resume crafting, personalized application support, and strategic admissions guidance to help students navigate higher education options with confidence.